How To Commission A Portrait

Easy! Use the contact information below to email me or send me the picture.  I need faces that are at least 2" doesn't matter the size of the's the size of the faces in the picture that matters.  The better the picture you give me, the better the portrait I give you.  Include your contact information and I will respond in a very timely manner. 

All portraits are done by hand, not by computer and are  individually priced by number of heads, medium (black & white, sepia, pastel or oil) size and detail. Yes, if you need a payment plan, we can do that! All work is shipped when full payment is received, and is custom packaged with expertise, TLC, and is fully insured. Mail orders are shipped all over, very safely.

You will be joining hundreds and hundreds of not only fully satisfied customers, but people whose breath has been taken away with a treasure which will last forever. Many come back for seconds and thirds!

Mary Ganster Artist
13750 W. Colonial Drive
Suite 350 #115
Winter Garden, FL 34787

Toll free: 877-820-7467
Orlando area: 407-484-4506